– Hemp for Victory and Veterans. Here is my thought; if we as disabled vets formed a consortium to investigate and report on the medical value of the by-products of Hemp and the industrial production of “usable products” we could get a ground floor hold on a contract to supply the entire VA system with medical high-grade marijuana (when the Federal Laws that inhibit are changed). –
My name is Richard Fournier; I am rated by VA at 100% T & P. My award came after battling the adjudication system since first filing of 1967 with the award granted in April – 2000 {retro back to 1980].
Today I serve my fellow Veteran as Founder/Chairman of the Board for the 501 (c) 3 “H.I.S. of America Inc [Head Injured Survivor’s].
With the current controversy over Medical Marijuana; I have come up with a marvelous idea which could produce a Veteran Operated $multi-million operation in this Field . I’m sure you are aware their is conflict between the Fed’s (DEA) and the VA and of the horror stories of Vets whose pain meds were cut off because of the T.H.C. found in their blood.
Here is my thought; if we as disabled vets formed a consortium to investigate and report on the medical value of the by-products of Hemp and the industrial production of “usable products” we could get a ground floor hold on a contract to supply the entire VA system with medical high grade marijuana (when the Federal Laws that inhibit are changed).
First off we would get rid of the use of the words “Medical Marijuana” replace it with “Medical Hemp” with a full report generated by our own Laboratory in conjunction with the benefits of Hemp Seed Oil {essential fatty acids) which research has shown can prevent and reverse type II Diabetes … this is but an “overview” of what I know can be accomplished … it takes money, double blind studies, a research lab & a Bakery to produce an alternative method of delivery of the THC over smoking {which I believe is dangerous to the aging population of Veteran’s.
Please give me a call at 313 969-9786 to discuss future develops of this Plan.
My home state of Michigan passed a Medical Marijuana Law … I have a Link to the Ford Land Development Co to resurrect the George Washington Carver Nutrition Laboratory in the City of Dearborn. The Nutrition Lab was given to Mr. Carver in 1942 by Henry Ford. Currently a Local Hospital is occupying the site of the old Nutrition Center. This is Good Press and if properly developed can set the Stage for a Government contract to provide the entire Nations Veterans Administration HealthCare System not only with High Quality Marijuana but also alternative methods of delivery to the system through ingestion of cookies cakes, sucker’s & teas all tested at our lab and given a stamp of approval from the FDA.
PS: I entered into the Political scene in 1994 when as a disgruntled Veteran; I challenged (as a Republican) for the 14th Congressional Seat held by the Incumbent…the Honorable John Conyers…as soon as this current election year is over; my affidavits are ready to file for the 2012 Election where I will enter to win that seat for “We the People.”
“Service to America’s Veteran’s is the best work of life”
Change Law to Allow Vets to form Org supplying VA system with medical hemp
posted by Michael Leon