Marcus Lütticke, John Blau
A German court has ruled in favor of allowing seriously ill patients to grow their own cannabis for medical treatment. But the ruling, with certain stipulations, could still prevent self-cultivation for some patients.
Michael F. is seriously ill. For more than 20 years, the craftsman from the western German city of Mannheim has suffered from multiple sclerosis. He has difficulty speaking, often suffers from convulsions and says cannabis gives him relief.
Legal and affordable
The medical effect of cannabis is widely accepted, but for many people like Michael F. a legal and affordable cannabis treatment is difficult in Germany. That could change following a recent ruling, which has not yet gone into effect, by the Federal Administrative Court in Münster.
A German court has weighed in favor of allowing patients to grow their own cannabis
Under strict conditions, severely ill people in Germany may now be allowed to grow cannabis at home. Those for whom no other therapies are available or effective but may receive a medical benefit from cannabis can apply to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) for permission to treat themselves with their home-grown cannabis, when its use is monitored by their doctor.
“If an affordable treatment option is missing, a license for personal cultivation of cannabis has to be taken into consideration – at the discretion of the BfArM,” the court ruled.
Previously, all requests for personal cultivation had been rejected by the Federal Ministry of Health.
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