Justin Klugh, Sports Producer
Former Flyer Riley Cote has become an advocate for the usage of hemp. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
Would you give the stink eye to somebody pounding O’Douls in the parking lot before work? I mean, yeah; probably. You might also just walk by quickly and try not to make eye contact. But one thing you couldn’t do is accuse them of showing up to work drunk. Nobody’s really confusing O’Douls with alcohol, except maybe tragically clueless teenagers, but there are debates in this country that use a similar brand of ignorance to continue. When people hear “hemp,” they assume it’s being said to them by somebody with at least one pot leaf hoodie in their closet. But while hemp is a form of cannabis and gets a lot of eye rolls, there is one thing it doesn’t get: people stoned.
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