California Medical Marijuana Patient Finally Released from Federal Prison

By Sam Sabzehzar
Ashley, now 19, has been supporting her father throughout his federal legal battles ever since they began, when she was only 8 years old.
Ashley, now 19, has been supporting her father throughout his federal legal battles ever since they began, when she was only 8 years old. (Photo credit:
Bryan Epis was arrested in California in 1997 after approved the voters approved medical cannabis. His daughter has stood by him this whole time, and after his release from a federal prison this week, Ashley, now 19, was there to celebrate with her father.

For those who believe the federal government when they say that no one is going to jail for medical marijuana, we invite you to meet Bryan Epis.

Bryan began growing medical marijuana in 1997, just one year after California voters approved the plant.
That same year Bryan’s legal battles with the federal justice department also began, when his daughter Ashley was just 8 years old.
Today, Bryan walks out of a federal prison in Long Beach, California where he was serving a 10-year sentence for growing marijuana in a state where it is legal to do so.
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