Cannabinoids & Breast Milk: Do Cannabinoids Play A Larger Role In Our Life Than We Thought?

MJ Zach


Research into the workings of the endocannabinoid system has yielded significant discoveries for scientists attempting to learn more about pre and post-natal development.

It is apparent that endocannabinoids, chemical compounds produced in the body that are similar to the psychoactive ingredients in marijuana, act as a catalyst for early embryonic development and development thereafter into maturity. The same compounds have also been found at incredibly high concentrations in maternal breast milk, suggesting that cannabinoids are more important to our successful growth than was ever thought before.

All Humans Are Born With Cannabinoid Receptors

The European Journal of Pharmacology published an article back in 2004 that claimed the messenger RNA of CB1 (the abbreviation for a group of specialized proteins known as cannabinoid receptors) can be found in the human embryo just fourteen weeks after gestation. Subsequently in the 20th week, growth of cannabinoid receptor activity in several areas of the brain starts to accelerate at a rapid rate. Observation of the embryo at this stage indicates that the cannabinoid receptors are functional and active during this early stage of development.
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