WASHINGTON — Just in time for spring planting, hundreds of marijuana lovers in the nation’s capital marked passage of the city’s new pot legalization law Thursday night by getting free seeds at a neighborhood eatery only 10 minutes from the White House.
“I didn’t think I would ever be alive to see something like this happening,” said Holly Dixon, 42, an information technology support specialist from Washington who showed up two hours early to be first in line for the giveaway. She said she grew marijuana when she lived in Atlanta and was eager to try it again. “I kind of know the process.”
Inside the Libertine bar and restaurant, Alan Amsterdam, 47, who was filling small plastic bags with two pot seeds each, marveled that he was distributing seeds for a drug that remains illegal under federal law.
“It’s incredible,” he said. “I am here to spread seeds to the people. If you had told me five years ago — three years ago — that I would be sitting in a bar in Washington, D.C., handing out cannabis seeds I would have laughed at you.””
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