Kids Can Now Use Medical Marijuana In Colorado Schools Thanks To New Policy

Thanks to a new policy adopted by the Colorado school board this week, kids requiring medical marijuana can now receive doses of cannabis during school hours.
In a unanimous vote, the District 49 Board of Education in Peyton, Colorado, decided to allow cannabis use on campus grounds by passing “Jax’s Policy,” named after 16-year-old Jackson “Jax” Stormes. In May of last year, Stormes was suspended for having cannabis oil in his backpack, a medication he uses to treat Juvenile Parkinson’s along with an extremely rare form of epilepsy called Dravet Syndrome.
His mother, Jennie Stormes, said in a press release,

In 2012, we pretty much ran out of options. We started cannabis, and almost immediately he did better. His seizures were in better control. He was just starting to thrive and do so much better.

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